After my son died at 2 1/2 days, we had nowhere to turn for scripture, poetry, or images. During the past few years since, I've been collecting things that are meaningful to me, and hopefully will be to other Baby Loss Mamas (BLMs). Peace and love!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Mask

I feel as if I am buried alive

Yet I smile, and respond
"Fine, thank you."
I have been appropriately conditioned
No one wants to hear the painful t r u t h.
An essential part of me, my limb
A constituent of my earthly being
Has been violently amputated.

Yet I laugh at the mediocre conversations
A verbal splash in a shallow puddle
Pretending to be a player of the words
That have no m e a n i n g.

My heart has been ripped from my bosom
No benevolence granted
No explanation -No apologies
Only cataclysmic p a i n
Only agony
No anesthesia remains, just the bitter pain.
Yet I wear the m a s k

Day to Day.
Pretending I fit in
But really I'm a foreigner here
They speak an alien language
I attempt to translate the words
Still, they mean nothing to me.
Sequestered in the mask

They hear not the music I dance to
Nor the words I speak
Nor the pain I echo
Nor the native language of my e y e s
They will never really know me,
It's only a mask.

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